Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Ketika dapat selebaran dari sekolahnya SD Barret, kalau Ia kepilih sebagai salah satu murid yang akan mengunjungi White House, anakku bertanya," White House itu rumahnya Pak Obama ya?"

Aku menjawab," Iya."

" Apa dulu Pak Obama sekolah di Indonesia?", tanya anakku lagi.

" Iya."

Lantas aku meneruskan," Al, nanti kalau di White House ketemu Pak Obama, coba tanya dia, dia kan bisa bahasa Indonesia, tanyanya gini, Pak Obama, apa di White House ada bakso dan rambutan?"

Dan anakku menjawab sekenanya dengan logat banyumasan yang kental," Lah embuuuh lah, ngawur..."

Lho Pak Obama kan selalu bilang kangen makanan abang bakso dan nasi goreng keliling jaman dulu.

Anakku menimpali lagi, " Lah embuh ra ngerti."

Demikian sepenggal percakapan sebelum dia berangkat ke White House.


Dari website sekolahan anakku, kudapatkan informasi yang ditulis oleh bu gurunya yang cantik Miss Molly Toussan tentang kunjungan mereka ke White House:

This past week we visited the White House in Washington, D.C. While we didn't see President Obama, who was in Asia, we learned a lot and saw many of the rooms in East Wing of the White House.

Students wrote that they learned that John Adams was the first President to live in the White House; Dolly Madison saved the portrait of George Washington from fire during the War of 1812; and there are WAY more bathrooms in the White House than we would ever want to clean!

We also loved the plush red velvet of the China Room, the view from the Green Room, and the patient and knowledgeable staff at the White House who answered so many of our questions. Please note: President Obama does not play video games--he prefers basketball

Anakku berpose dengan baju pink kesukaannya

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